Empowered Badass Normal: The aforementioned Ryzan Catachan

Later the Qasamans attempt to create a counterpart to the Cobras, the Djinni. Though limited by the Qasamans’ inferior technology (no nanocomputer reflexes or unbreakable bones) they wear suits made of the native krisjaw hide which provide armour and house servos and lasers with the same capability as the Cobras’. They are also implanted with filters in their noses which allow them to throw around gas canisters with abandon and not suffer the ill effects. Ode to Intoxication: Many http://mahmart.com/2013/07/23/i-was-jealous-even-in-my-ultra-cool-granny-takes-a-trip-boots/, but “I Like Beer” in particular. Old Man Conversation Song: “Old Dogs, Children and Watermelon Wine” is arguably the Trope Codifier. “Faster Horses (The Cowboy and The Poet)” is a more comical take on the same idea. The bad guys wear black and greens. Oddly Tricerachops’ colors align with the good guys. Gory Discretion Shot: Maximus’s look of pain when his arm gets chomped off.

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