and promptly revives Aovnick with it

The original X Factor team liberates a Sapient Ship that was enslaved by Apocalypse, named, appropriately enough, Ship, which has a long and varied career in the various X Titles over the years. It happily becomes friends with X Factor after they freed it from Apocalypse, and serves as their base of operations, home, and long range transportation. Ship was a several thousand year old piece of Celestial technology and the size of a large skyscraper, being so huge that, while in it’s usual docked location of standing on end in a building lot, it became a well known part of the New York City skyline. The physical form of Ship is later destroyed in a final battle with Apocalypse, but the artificial intelligence survives by downloading itself into a small module. It soon travels into the future with Cyclops’s son Nathan, who later became Cable, and the intelligence of Ship eventually becomes Cable’s space station Greymalkin, and then eventually his floating island Providence. At one point a copy of the AI is even downloaded into Cable’s techno organic bionic arm.

Just Ignore It: In The Passing, Bro and Djy 1991 sit in a restaurant booth, concentrate on having a lovely dinner, make small talk, and avoid eye contact with the Tank in the room. Doesn’t work. Laser Guided Karma: In Episode 7, PuppySky picks up Djy 1991’s defib pack. and promptly revives Aovnick with it. They then walk around the corner and get puked on by a Boomer. One of the top reasons the Charger seems to like Puppy. Laser Guided Tykebomb: The Chargers, to PuppySky. He doesn’t see us. He doesn’t see us. [more zombies appear and Bro starts shouting] HE DOESN’T SEE US! HE DOESN’T SEE US! HE DOESN’T SEE US!Name’s the Same: invoked Aovnick, referred to as Nick, playing as Nick. Noodle Incident: In Episode 16 of Season 4, Mastermind keeps trying to talk about this one time where PuppySky’s car broke down. However, said friend apparently asked what Puppy actually meant by that. In the following episode, if you are able to listen closely to Mastermind while Puppy is shouting, it involved cum stains in the backseat. N Word Privileges: “Does this mean I can say the N word without getting in trouble?” “NOOOOO” Obfuscating Stupidity: Debatable, but it seems that no one in the cast is actually a total newbie to the game, given Djy 1991’s background and that no achievements are earned in the first two seasons. Oh, Crap!: Djy 1991’s reaction after being greeted by a Hunter. (Bro is puked on by a Boomer).

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