Not My Lucky Day: It’s just not Spock’s day as he’s shot by a poisonous plant, laughed at by natives, bounced off of a force field he didn’t notice, pulled into a very. awkward conversation, struck by lightning, and in the end called Satan by Kirk and Bones. Over the Shoulder Carry: How Kirk moves Spock after he gets struck by lightning. Pass the Popcorn: Kirk goes all Gadfly on Spock by getting him to give The Talk while smirking and eating an apple. Plot Armor: Spock’s got it in this episode, surviving an attack by something that killed a Red Shirt outright. Twice. Red Shirt: Along with “Obsession”, this episode is an exemplar of wanton killing of Bit Characters, with 3 of the 4 red shirts killed within the first 10 minutes of the episode. Rhetorical Question Blunder: After Spock has risked his life to save Kirk:Kirk: Trying to get yourself killed. Do you know how much Starfleet has invested in you?
Replica Designer Handbags Reincarnation: Rachel and a number of other characters are the reincarnation of people killed during Manson’s infamous witch hanging and burning. Reincarnation Romance: Thoroughly averted. Rachel’s past life had a Precocious Crush on an older boy named James. James, it turns out, is reincarnated in the present generation as Jet, but even after this revelation Rachel definitely has no romantic feelings for Jet, and nor does she when James’ spirit temporarily possesses Jet’s body. Revenant Zombie: More or less what Rachel is, except she’s so fresh and her body is sustained just enough that apparently extreme pallor and the damage suffered by her body while she was being killed are the only surface signs that she’s undead. Revenge Before Reason: Lilith, who apparently thinks that taking revenge on the descendants of people who wronged her 300 years ago is perfectly logical and justified. Rouge Angles of Satin: A few instances pop up here and there, although it’s pretty minimal. Sanity Slippage: When Aunt Johnny first sees Rachel, Johnny assumes that she is having a case of this. She details how her mind has a habit of trying to distract her during the course of her work by conjuring up visitors. Buddy Holly, Jack the Ripper, that beautiful ensign from New Zealand (God, I miss the Navy). one night Christ rode in here on a donkey, palm leaves all all over the place. That was a mess. I saw Elvis in the bathroom, go talk to him. Replica Designer Handbags
Wholesale Replica Bags In Harry Potter, if a Hogwarts rule ever gets brought up in any book, expect it to be broken by the last page. Notable examples include wandering the halls late at night, trespassing into the corridor being guarded by Fang, horseplay on broomsticks while Madame Hooch is bringing an injured student to the hospital wing, etc. Taken Up to Eleven when the Tyrant Takes the Helm in Order of the Phoenix and Harry and his friends end up having to violate quite a few of her mandates just to oust her (Hermione even gets in a Pay Evil unto Evil moment against a traitor who sold out Dumbledore’s Army, and Harry takes the first opportunity to turn his first detention under Umbridge against the latter, at least in the film version, for badmouthing a nearby pack of centaurs) Wholesale Replica Bags.