Action Girl: Annie Adult Fear: Fuuma loves brainwashing children. BFG: Big Magnum. A starship sized one. Big Bad: Kublai By the Power of Grayskull!: Shaider’s “Shouketsu!” (“Sinter!”) Calling Your Attacks: LASER BLADE! Cain and Abel: Hessler’s little brother, Himley, appears in episode 19 only for Hessler to kill him during combat because he was threatened of his position. Creepy Crossdresser: Priest Poe. Crossover: His predecessors appear in a team up movie. Drill Tank: Shaider’s Battle Shaian. Finishing Move: “SHAIDER BLUE FLASH!” A powerful Laser Blade slash that split the monster horizontally and cause them to explode. Frickin’ Laser Beams: The Video Beam Gun Master of Disguise: Annie even though she always gets caught. Meaningful Name: Fuuma translates to Wind Demon Mook Mobile: The carriage like Fuuma fighters. Scary Dogmatic Aliens: The Fuuma have destroyed many planets throughout the universe within the span of several thousand years. They nearly conquer the galaxy in the last few episodes. Shout Out: Shaider’s name is a reference to actor Roy Scheider. Space Police: Exactly What It Says on the Tin. Transforming Mecha: The Vavilos, which also counts as a Cool Star Ship and BFG. Villain Song: “Fushigi Song”. Wham Episode: Episode 20, complete with fake suicide and animal abuse.
Tropes: All There in the Manual: Important information like character motivations and such are only presented in the volume recaps. Barbie Doll Anatomy Bare Your Midriff: In the beginning, when Ai wakes up in an alley. Her clothes are all torn and shredded. Bish Kent, Nora and Takeshi. Bi the Way: Kent towards Hikaru to some degree (more like he’s not sure about it) Camp Gay: Hikaru fusses about, and squeals at, things like a 14 year old girl, and has women’s clothing. Elegant Gothic Lolita: Most of Ai’s outfits consist of this, along with some punk fashion. Expy: Ai for Courtney Love, Kent for Kurt Cobain. Freaky Fashion, Mild Mind: Ai has a very rock sense of style, but in the end she’s soft at the heart despite her temper. Good Wings, Evil Wings: Ai has angelic like wings and is considered the heroine of the series, while Tess and her two sisters have bat/dragon like wings and is considered somewhat villainous, but that changes later on. Half Human Hybrid: Ai is the result of her human father (Sei) and her Dougen/Angel mother (Zho). Heel Face Turn: The Witches/Gorgons. Incest Is Relative: Ai and Nora were lovers back on Ai land. Must I remind you that they’re actually half siblings. Eeek. Love at First Sight: Kent and Ai Love Triangle: Kent x Ai x Nora. Plus Hikaru, although he barely counts, merely having an unrequited crush on Kent. Meaningful Name: “Ai” means “love” in Japanese. Now, who came up with this manga, again? The Power of Love: At the end. Rip Tailoring: her first performance dress gets the treatment. Some of her later fashions look like they were created the same way. Self Insert Fic: Courtney Love pretty much admits that the entire manga is a much more whimsical version of her own life. Shout Out: Now, where have we heard about a “heart shaped box” before. Transsexual: Possibly Yoshi. It’s kind of unclear. Winged Humanoid: Ai once she develops the wings. You Remind Me of X: Ai claims that Kent reminds her of Nora, a certain someone from Ai land.
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