Lovecraftian Superpower: Ezzie’s shtick. Most prominently shown on the cover of Chapter 7: Ezzie! Sick Shoggoth Powers! Mega Corp.: IBISEC, who created Redd’s handmaidens, among other things used by both the general public and the military. However, the corporation seems to hold the idea of traditional heroes and villains in contempt, and are hoping they can use their tech with Redd shake up the status quo. Mid Season Upgrade: Redd’s hands, and often offscreen. Many, many times. Ultimately, it’s justified by IBISEC being a technological powerhouse, which they use to give Redd the appropriate armor for any given mission. Notably, her Multi Armed and Dangerous armor (which was used to kill a supervillain) is one of the few, if not only, models where Redd has actual arms attached to them. Meaty, exoskeleton covered arms. More Teeth than the Osmond Family: Ezzie can give a Cheshire Cat Grin like the best of them. Most Common Superpower: Redd is a sterling example, although she seems to come by it naturally. Most Definitely Not a Villain: IBISEC: Ezzie: Well I mean, the company’s clearly evil. Aside from all the people I stick back together, you guys are developing anti superhuman weapons and stuff. And Frankie Ibis’ office has that “I’m evil” aesthetic to it. Anyone who has a nice office enjoys their job, and anyone who enjoys their job is hiding something.
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