Dopey. Happy. So much. Physical God: “Keys to the Kingdom”. All of the Gods that exist in the Pleroma. Zahir turns out to be the human form of Osiris. Then there are all the younger kids to add in to the mix, and the religious wackos, and the genocidal president who leads them. Enter Stage Window: Action Figure must find doors really boring, because he never seems to use them. Establishing Character Moment: Mommy, Teacher, and Hunter are all introduced performing the tasks that gave them their name. He’s still a Card Carrying Villain who revels in his evil. Felony Misdemeanor: The bully counselors consider one of the campers a troublemaker just for coughing. Five Second Foreshadowing: As the bus enters Kamp Krusty, the bridge it drives over collapses, an indication of what’s in store for the children.
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