St Paul’s was one of the two main sites for young male actors to perform in the 1570s and 1580s. Their high voices and pre pubescent bodies meant that they could also play female roles, and they performed plays that were mainly written by their resident playwright, John Lyly, for elite audiences. They were in direct competition with the nearby Blackfriars theatre.
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Replica Stella McCartney bags Rule of Funny: Very often the only rule there was. Special Guest: The guest star(s) of the week. Spiritual Successor: To vaudeville. Straight Man: Bud Abbott and Dean Martin during their respective appearances. The Show Must Go On: The October 5, 1952 edition only aired live in Los Angeles and a few other west coast stations due to a walkout by NBC engineers in Hollywood causing a three hour delay. A kinescope of that episode was aired on the full network on October 26 (with the exception of Los Angeles affiliate KNBH, which aired The Big Payoff instead). The January 25, 1953, edition featuring Martin and Lewis ended up being a clip show due to Jerry Lewis recuperating from a knee injury he suffered when falling off a scooter he did the entire show sitting down. The Trickster: The episodes Martin and Lewis hosted often opened with sketches of the comedy team disrupting gatherings of members of polite society such as wedding receptions, dog shows, PTA meetings, company conventions, etc. These usually featured Lewis as the disruptive force with Martin as the kid with the leash. Trope Co. Trope of the Week: As was the standard practice in the era, the show is named after the sponsor and the commercial breaks advertise the sponsor’s products: Ajax cleanser, Colgate toothpaste, Fab laundry detergent, Halo shampoo and Palmolive soap. Averted with a few episodes during the 1950 1951 season that were sponsored by Frigidaire; those carried the title of The Comedy Hour instead. Replica Stella McCartney bags
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