“This is a sneaking mission where I infiltrated a Deaf

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General Failure: General Johnson in Executive Command. Girl on Girl Is Hot: Harley Morenstein summons a “lesbian makeout scene in the sky!” No one can see it because of all the planets in the way. Gone Horribly Right: An Inconvenient Truth: The future has motion control video games. “Except it sucks!!” Gosh Dang It to Heck!: Swearing is pretty rare in any of Freddie Wong’s videos. The few times it does occur, in Kung Fooled and Epic VFX Time, it’s bleeped out. Caw! Groin Attack: But what happens when Superman is the one to give it? The Guards Must Be Crazy: Exaggerated in Splinter Cell: Lightbulb Assassin. Justified if you’ve ever played Splinter Cell. Gun Fu: Freddie has a penchant for this in his action shorts, with the most prominent examples being Time Crisis with Andy Whitfield and Alarmageddon, though with rare exception, he primarily uses one gun. Guns Akimbo: Directly referenced and invoked in “Executive Command”. The “boss” from Time Crisis uses two submachine guns. Freddie uses two AK 47s in Don’t F With My Cream to blast the hell out of two robbers who, well. Gun Struggle: Whose gun is it anyway? Heart Is an Awesome Power: Milk Man: World’s Worst Superhero. The Hero Dies: Medal of Honor Cat, Flower Warfare, Duct Hunt, Halloween Massacre (sort of), The Golf War and Keep Off the Grass. basket nike Hollywood Hacking: All Freddie has to do to hack the computer in Bodycount is hold down the “X” key. Rapid typing hacking was also his specialty in his cameo appearance on Chuck. ugg soldes Hollywood Silencer: Oddly both averted and played straight. The silenced gun makes a reasonably loud sound, but the guards are clearly the most idiotic guards alive. “This is a sneaking mission where I infiltrated a Deaf Person’s Warehouse.” Special focus is also given to removing a silencer so Freddie’s gunshot will be heard in Claymores. I Know You Know I Know: In “Mexican Standoff”, they get so many levels into this that they have to stop what they’re doing and draw it all out on the ground with chalk to figure out who is on what side, and why. Exemplified by this gem, which isn’t even half way into the video:Unnamed Agent: Oh, you knew all along? Well I knew all along that you knew all along.

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